Friday, April 25, 2008

Weekend - April 26 & 27 - WORK POSTPONED!


With the high water levels, Hugh (Director - Berths & Docks) has decided that we should postpone work for one week.

For next weekend - May 3 & 4 - we need an additional 9 people each day to plan to assist (12 people are required per day to make things run smoothly). The foreman for each day is:
Saturday, May 3 - Michel Sanscartier
Sunday, May 4 - Hugh Scarth

Remember that if you help out, we will provide lunch.

You can email email me at if you can help - I will add you to the list and when we fill the quota, I'll put a post on the Blog.

RYC is a volunteer club - we can't operate without you!!! Thanks in advance for your help.

Greg Colpitts

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