Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Launch - This weekend - May 30th and 31st

A launch is scheduled for Friday and Saturday this weekend. There are only a few individuals signed up for Friday, so please check later in the week to see if there are any changes to the schedule and to Confirm there is a Friday Launch.

If you haven't done so and plan to launch on one of these days (30th or 31st), please contact Doug Riecken driecken@nb.sympatico.ca directly with your preferred time and who will be moving your boat!

Note that the there is still work to be done on the docks to make them safe for securing your second most valuable hard asset (?) so members who launches this weekend will have to make other arrangements to secure their boat until Hugh Scarth indicates the dock are ready.

Please remember to check back for details on Friday and Start Times.

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